Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)
When does the Nursery open?
The nursery is open from 7.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. Any other nursery closures will be shown on our website.
If my child attends part time, can I book additional sessions?
The nursery operates on strict staff to child ratios and we are limited in the number of children who can be in attendance at any one time. The nursery will always try to meet your needs for extra time and you should speak to the Nursery Manager to see if we have availability.
Can I ask a staff member to baby-sit for me?
Yes, although it is important to note that if you do, it is an arrangement between you and the staff member. The nursery does not accept any responsibility or liability for their actions.
What do I do if my child is sick?
If your child is sick and has a communicable illness, the nursery is not permitted by Social Services, our licensing authority, to admit your child into the nursery while they are contagious. We do not have a sick room or any facility in which we can care for a sick child. For events like this, it is important that you have alternative arrangements for the care of your child, such as a Grandparent or friend
If I am concerned about my child, can I ring the nursery?
Yes, we welcome telephone calls at any time from parents/carers. Please call 0203 719 7002.
Who can collect my child from the nursery?
We will accept any nomination from you. However, unless you have notified us in advance of that person arriving and provided us with a password, we will not release the child into their care.
What happens if my child does not settle?
It is unusual for a child not to settle. The excitement of new surroundings and playing with other children usually helps to settle a child quickly. If we have any concerns about your child settling we will always discuss them with you. Equally, if you have any concerns please discuss them with us. Between us we can usually overcome any difficulties.
Do I pay fees for when my child is not at nursery?
Yes, fees are payable for 52 weeks of the year.
When and how are fees paid?
Fees are paid one month in advance at the beginning of each month. The nursery accepts cash, bank transfers and standing orders.
Can I bring food or sweets into the nursery for the children?
Yes, if it is a special celebration such as your child’s birthday. At other times we would ask that you consult a member of staff before doing so in order to ensure that no child is given access to any food or sweets that might do them harm.
Do I need to label my child’s entire clothing?
Yes, it is helpful if you can. Although staff will do their best to keep all your child’s clothing separate, there are times when it can get mixed up with others. If it is labelled, it enables us to quickly identify it and return it to you.
What happens if I realise I will be late collecting my child?
In an emergency we will hold staff on to look after your child. It is vital that you alert us to your problem ASAP so that we can make timely arrangements.
What equipment do I need to provide for my child?
The nursery will advise you as to what is needed. It is normally restricted to personal items, such as nappies, wipes, creams, change of clothing, sun protection cream etc.
If my child has an injury will I be told?
Yes, if your child receives any injury, no matter how minor, you will always be told. All injuries are recorded in an accident book and will identify the accident, the injury, what treatment was carried out and the staff member who dealt with it. You will be asked to sign that you seen the entry and that you are content with how the matter was handled.
If I need to change my child’s days at the nursery, how do I do that?
It is possible to change your child’s attendance pattern provided we have a permanent vacancy on the days you require. To help us meet your need we ask that a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice is given of any requested change. If, in the event that is not possible, please speak to us ASAP. It is important to note that it is not always possible to immediately change days due to staff/children ratios. The nursery will always try to help you as quickly as possible.
Do you have policies on nursery procedures?
Yes, and parents/carers are most welcome to see them. Please ask the Nursery Manager.
What can I expect from the nursery?
You can expect the nursery to carry out its duties in a highly professional manner. For your child to be cared for by a staff member who has a love of children and for the care to take place in an environment that is both stimulating and safe. You can also expect that your child’s emotional, physical and developmental needs will be catered for in a sensitive and caring manner.
What does the nursery do with my personal information?
The information is treated as highly confidential and will only be used to assist in the care of your child. It is vital for your child’s wellbeing that your emergency contact details are kept accurate and up-to-date. Your records are not shared or shown to any other party and when you leave the nursery, they will be destroyed after a period of time.